Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's really happening.

It is it is!! The first pic is our lot and the second pic is what it will potentially look like. I believe the family saw me take this picture... I hope I didn't creep them out! I got some strange looks :( sorry family!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


So my life has been topsy turvy lately and this is why.
Drew and I are buying/building a house!
I want to start the 30 day blog.challenge so hopefully I will have time to start it soon

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Craaazy day!

So I worked at the salon from 8-1:30 today then did this awesome little girl's 6th birthday party from 2-5:30! 40 girls were there and it was complete and utter chaos! My head is pounding from all the Justin Bieber and Jonas Bros music. But Kayla Furlough and I rocked it out! Check out the pictures from the party.

My year of transition.

I believe God is trying to teach me patience this year. I'm smack dab in the middle of the "I want it and I want it NOW!" generation. This year Drew (my fiance) graduates with his RN degree and hopefully gets a great job with a nice hospital, we are getting married in october, AND we have to find somewhere to live!

So this is my blog to keep up with it all.

I'm a huge crafter! My mom taught me how to sew when I was a kid but I really didn't get into it till I decided to make all my scrubs with my Mema for beauty school. My sister and I started a little crafty business this year on top of it all.

On this blog I'll post all my ideas for my wedding and house as well as all the crafts my sister and I make. I hope you will enjoy following my blog as well as I will enjoy writing it!

I'm off to work at Tangles Salon. I have a little girl's birthday party to do this afternoon so I will be back soon with pictures!
